Mary Howe currently lives at Seabrook Village in Tinton Falls, NJ. Mary fell in love with making art at an early age. For her day-job, Mary was an Art Therapist, now retired. Mary is familiar with the transformative power of art making. And she has always been interested in sharing her love of art with others. Mary found working as an Art Therapist allowed her to combine her love of art and her interest in psychology and healing. In her own work, Mary loses herself in the focus of expressing her ideas and feelings. Worries can be contained in art and then hopefully, she can gain some perspective on any problem. Usually, this can lead to leaps of insight that can contain solutions. Sometimes, she begins making an art piece by clearing her mind; then she applies a medium to a surface and allows the colors and shapes to trigger memories that she then can explore in her work. Since retiring, Mary has taken the opportunity to continue the study of drawing and painting. Her goal is to take advantage of all learning opportunities, explore different media and make as much art as possible.



And then there was blue


Spring Abstract

Moving Meditation

Spring arrives with Death in hand

These colors on my mind

Golden Cave

Covid View

Fall Pastel II

Flame Tree

Becoming Cosmic


Water is Sacred

Self Tree

Momentary Flowers

Childhood Magic

Woman in Head Scarf title

Abstraction 4

Abstraction 5

Art work by Mary Howe


3-D work